Who Are We?

We support young adults aged 16 years and encourage them to fucus on their strengths. We encourage young adults to build positive support networks. At Oases Living Ltd we provide a safe place for young people to live. We provide support and Support for young adults:

  • with challenging needs who require 24hours 1-1 observations
  • who require emergency placements
  • unaccompanied refugees
  • care leavers
  • those overcoming addiction

Our Mission

 At Oases Living our mission is to deliver excellent services. This is achieved through the delivery of quality care for young people  that we support. We endeavour to provide a flexible approach to community support, providing as much or as little support as the young adult requires

How Do We Provide Support

We support young adults to learn to live independently enabling them to take responsibility for their own lives:

  • Provide support with everyday living activities according to the agreed support plan
  • Working in partnership with the young adult, and other relevant key people to develop a responsive safe system
  • We provide good quality housing
  • promote awareness of rights and responsibilities
  • Support with making informed choices and decisions